I wrote about
web based drama lonegirl15 not long ago. It was thought to be a video blog but some viewers found out it was created by a production team and actors.
YouTube is a good platform for ordinary individual chances to show and share their creativity, idea and works using their web camera or video camera. I saw lots of creative ideas came out made by only one person and simple editing tool.
Now day, video blog or video blogging is spreading around the internet users. One can express their thoughts, idea and feelings in front the camera rather than writing it with words. Video streaming become more practical today because of the high speed data transfer network. We're not limited to only text, layout and graphic interface but an extra addition of video to the web. News becomes more ever faster reaching to the community around the world.
I'm now I subscribe for two video log channel that is
Communitychannel and
HappySlip. Communitychannel was hosted by a girl named Natalie who live and study in Australia. She have an unique personality when talking in front of the camera and express her thoughts very good with a bit sarcastic and funny way. The most interesting came from her is her ability to do a snap multiple character theatrical act that most of student actor do when practicing the acting performance in front of the camera. There are some of her YouTube video that i find it so funny especially
Parody of NoHoGirls "Indecent Proposal" and a little bit sketch about
audition for Harry Potter.
HappySlip also do the same multiple character act video but i have to give it to Natalie of her wider adaptation and ability to jump from one character to another different character and not back to the same old character. HappySlip is a pretty charm lady and actually more famous than Natalie. She has most views of her video, even thou i feel that his acting skills not really that good. Maybe is her looks and her capability in singing that attract lots of people. Moreover, she live in America that is the YouTube country that enable her to join any conference organized by YouTube management.
Another YouTube user that i subscribe is a local named
zanazlee. He is a freelance film producer and full time mass com lecture. He also create a
videoblog for his self too. He created some good short political and travel documentary and posted it in YouTube. I don't know if there is any YouTube community in Malaysia or Sabah specially. I think there are some but it was hard to locate them.
I also sent some of the video clip i made into YouTube. The location is
here. I also want to create some self made video on YouTube. I has some idea in my mind and wish to produce it using my sort of expensive video camera for wedding video that i never have chances to used after bought it. Well it also depend if i can put it nicely on a video.