Karangan di bawah adalah reaksi dari komen yang ditulis dalam petikan blog di bawah
loji penjanakuasa batu arang adalah satu cara penjanaan yang paling kotor dan mencemarkan tidak kira bagaimana cara pencegahan dilaksanakan.
terdapat bukti yang paling jelas dimana satu loji penjana batu arang di Tennessee amerika syarikat dikatakan sebagai yang paling selamat telah berlaku malapetaka di mana kawasan tadahan sisa habuk arang tertumpah dan ia mengakibatkan kawasan sungai dan tasik tercemar sehingga kini.
di mana negara kita mempunyai masalah dalam menangangi masalah pencemaran oleh pengusaha kilang dan pembuangan sisa toksik oleh industri berat, adakah kita yakin bahawa akan penguatkuasaan ini akan berkesan dan tiada penyelewengan berlaku? tepuk dada tanyalah selera.
loji penjana batu arang yang akan dibina di lahad datu sabah adalah satu tindakan yang tidak tepat kerana lokasi kawasan sekitar adalah kawasan alam semulajadi yang paling indah yang kaya dengan alam flora dan fauna.
kawasan lokasi loji batu arang juga berdekatan dengan kawasan perindustrian ikan dan rumpai laut dan sebagai tempat tarikan pelancongan (sipadan dan mabul) akan kehidupan dalam lautnya yang memberi pendapatan yang bernilai berbillion ringgit setahun bukan kepada penduduk tempatan tetapi kepada penduduk sabah dan kerajaan negeri sabah.
apakah jenis pembangunan yang boleh dibawa oleh loji penjana arang batu yang kecil ini sedangkan kawasan sekitar adalah dimiliki oleh skim kerajaan FELDA selama 20 tahun dan penduduk tempatan masih hidup dalam keadaan daif dan miskin di mana terdapat satu resort yang indah dengan segala bekalan air dan elektrik yang hanya kurang daripada 1km dari kawasan lokasi.
loji ini akan menyebabkan penduduk kampung miskin dipindahkan ke kawasan yang tidak ditentukan lagi. terdapat banyak perkara yang dijanjikan. FELDA 20 tahun yang lalu telah menjanjikan pembangunan kepada penduduk tempatan dan sampai sekarang pembangunan asas seperti jalan raya, elektrik dan air masih tidak dapat dibekalkan kepada mereka.
sememangnya kita mahu bekalan tenaga yang stabil dan murah. akan tetapi, adakah kita sanggup mengorbankan alam sekitar dan hidupan laut oleh kerana kita mahu akan bekalan elektrik yang murah. adakah kerana kita mahu sumber tenaga yang murah, penduduk kampung berdekatan hilang mata pencarian akibat daripada pencemaran yang dilepaskan oleh loji ini ke dalam laut yang menyebabkan batu karang mati dan ikan tercemar dengan bahan kimia buangan dan pada masa yang sama merupakan makanan seharian penduduk tempatan.
oleh itu, diharap mereka yang menyokong pembinaan loji ini memikirkan secara lebih mendalam dalam hati mereka sebelum memberi komen dan kritikan yang tidak membina dan membantu dalam penyelesaian isu ini.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Najib Enviroment Policy - Really?
You said you want to cut down the carbon emission?
You said you want to save the planet?
But you insist of building two coal fired-power plant in Malaysia. One in sabah and another one is unknown.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Action: Boycott KK Pizza Hut Restaurant / Tindakan: Boikot Restoran Pizza Hut KK

Due to many of the Kota Kinabalu Facebook Consumer Group bad experience of services in Pizza Hut restaurant in kota kinabalu, i would like to urge all members not to go to Pizza Hut restaurant to eat for a period of time until the problem on waiter services can be solved. Please click to link at below to know some of the complaint that was made by members about Pizza Hut restaurant. Please let your friends and family that lives in kota kinabalu area know about this action.
thank you
Oleh kerana terdapat banyak aduan dari Kumpulan Pengguna Facebook Kita Kinabalu, saya ingin mencadangkan semua ahli supaya tidak membeli makananan di restoran Pizza Hut di kota kinabalu sehingga masalah layanan yang kurang memuaskan dapat diperbaiki. Sila tekan link di bawah untuk mengetahui jenis jenis aduan yang telah dikongsi oleh ahli kumpulan mengenai restoran Pizza Hut. Sila kongsi tindakan ini kepada rakan dan keluarga yang menetap di kota kinabalu mengenai tindakan ini.
terima kasih
- Complaint: Inanam's Pizza Hut - http://is.gd/bjIGV
- Complaint: Pizza Hut Experience Highlight Here - http://is.gd/7HSFD
Boycott Pizza Hut Bad Customer Service / Boikot Layanan Buruk Pizza Hut
Kota Kinabalu Facebook Consumer Group are officially boycotting Pizza Hut Restaurant within kota kinabalu area due to their bad customer service as reported and shared buy many of this group members. The duration of boycotting is about 4 months from 8 April to 8 July.
Please click the "attending" bullet dot as an agreement not to go to pizza hut restaurant for those period of time. Please do invite your friends and family to join this cause. Please do share in the link above if you had any bad experience while in pizza hut outlet.
Kumpulan Pengguna Facebook Kota Kinabalu secara rasmi memboikot restorant Pizza Hut di Kota Kinabalu kerana perkhidmatan pelanggan yang buruk yang dikongsi dan dilaporkan oleh kebanyakan ahli-ahli kumpulan. Tempoh masa boikot selama 4 bulan bermula dari 8 April sehingga 8 Julai.
Sila tekan "attending" sebagai tanda anda tidak akan pergi ke pizza hut restorant. Sila jemput kawan dan keluarga yang lain menyertai usaha ini. Sila kongsi pengalaman anda sekiranya mengalami layanan dan perkhidmatan yang buruk di mana-mana cawangan pizza hut.
"attending" = menyokong boikot / support boycott cause
"maybe attending" = tidak memihak mana-mana / neutral
"not attending" = tidak menyokong boikot / not support the boycott cause
update 2:
New Sabah Times: Customers rally for support to boycott Pizza Hut
KOTA KINABALU: Disgruntled customers of Pizza Hut have resorted to Facebook to rally support for a boycott on the fast food franchise.
According to a ‘Boycott Pizza Hut Bad Customer Service’ event page found on the social networking site, currently more than 400 people have pledged to join the boycott in protest of sloppy service.
click link above for more..
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Epic April Fool Jokes on Sabahan (Original)
1. kadazan tribes of sarawak - MAS inflight magazine
2. coal fire power plant is ON - SESB aka TNB fucktard
3. we just want your orang utans, not your PTI - you know who la
4. there are more car parking space than hospital bed in QE hospital
5. i am a malay first, malaysian second - DPM Malaysia
6. the world do EARTH HOUR once a year, sabahan doing it almost every week
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday, March 05, 2010
The Sabahan Dilemma
As a Sabahan
1. i stand to the state's autonomy power
2. i stand to the 20 agreement that was promised to our forefather
3. i stand to the more privileges opportunity compare to another states
4. i stand to the more authority over the natural resource such as oil and timber
As a Malaysian
1. i stand to equal chances in social and economic opportunity
2. i stand to free racist and religion division
3. i stand to qualification should be the decider in the leadership in the federal government
4. i stand to justice and fair rule of court to everyone anywhere
Which one are you? To be a sabahan or a malaysian.
1. i stand to the state's autonomy power
2. i stand to the 20 agreement that was promised to our forefather
3. i stand to the more privileges opportunity compare to another states
4. i stand to the more authority over the natural resource such as oil and timber
As a Malaysian
1. i stand to equal chances in social and economic opportunity
2. i stand to free racist and religion division
3. i stand to qualification should be the decider in the leadership in the federal government
4. i stand to justice and fair rule of court to everyone anywhere
Which one are you? To be a sabahan or a malaysian.
Friday, February 19, 2010
ten reason not to join malaya based political party
1. power still lay on people that once thought we lives in a tree
2. smell like BN, taste like BN and feel like BN
3. sabah need a new fresh local political party
4. giving the wrong impression to youngster that we cannot take care our own state.
5. they only want the sabah resource no matter how many time they denied it
6. racial hatred conflict is still strong
7. sabah need a strong leader that can unite the sabah people
8. still in a bad position to get a better deal
9. resource money still flow out one way
10. hard for them to know what we really want.

ps - no pun intended to my malaya friend's who support PR. i am a firm believer that sabah should be represent by sabah based party in a grand coalition that give equal chances to personalities rather than racial demographic preference.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin and Facebook
It is a little sweet victory to learn that Mohamad Tasyrif Tajuddin was charged over his gas bomb post in the facebook. It all started when he made a irresponsible comment about churches that was vandalized by Molotov cocktail due to the ruling issue about the word 'allah'.

Immediately, snap shot of this comment spread fast around the facebook network and it angered lots of people that then taken action to report it to the police. No one knew if he really involved with the attack on the churches but the police quick action on to interrogate him found that he just a brats that seeking for an attention. Nevertheless, he was charged under the Communications and Multimedia Act for improper use of the Internet, which carries a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine if found guilty.
Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin is the reminder for the entire internet user especially the facebook user that the law and regulation still can be enforced. The virtual and anonymous world of internet where we can get away almost everything is starting to be an illusion or myth. The internet world was created based on our real world and it is not possible that the real world rules and regulation can be possibly applied on this so called virtual and border less world.
Internet user should starts learning to be more responsible over the interaction they made in the social network such as facebook, myspace and friendster. Every interaction we made within the social network is logged and kept and can be used to be against our self in the future by anyone that control the system. There are numerous effort made by the government around the world to control this unlimited and boarder less world because of its potential to change the outcome of the future.
Internet is just like a double edge sword. It can be use for withhold the peace and also invoke havoc towards the society. It can be use to topple an old power regime but also create a more worst new powerful regime that can adapt towards it. A person can be well known with the help of internet people but can also be condemn and insulted by the people that made him famous at the first place.
The creation of the internet has opened a Pandora box of uncertainties. There are many possibilities and outcome that can happen by using and exploiting this technology. If we're not careful, it might bite back at us. The case of Tasyrif Tajuddin is a strong reminder that we're not anonymous anymore in the internet. Many people can keep an eye over us easily and our tract can't be easily erase as record is kept not in the one main server but at many users that has open and access the information.
Immediately, snap shot of this comment spread fast around the facebook network and it angered lots of people that then taken action to report it to the police. No one knew if he really involved with the attack on the churches but the police quick action on to interrogate him found that he just a brats that seeking for an attention. Nevertheless, he was charged under the Communications and Multimedia Act for improper use of the Internet, which carries a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine if found guilty.
Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin is the reminder for the entire internet user especially the facebook user that the law and regulation still can be enforced. The virtual and anonymous world of internet where we can get away almost everything is starting to be an illusion or myth. The internet world was created based on our real world and it is not possible that the real world rules and regulation can be possibly applied on this so called virtual and border less world.
Internet user should starts learning to be more responsible over the interaction they made in the social network such as facebook, myspace and friendster. Every interaction we made within the social network is logged and kept and can be used to be against our self in the future by anyone that control the system. There are numerous effort made by the government around the world to control this unlimited and boarder less world because of its potential to change the outcome of the future.
Internet is just like a double edge sword. It can be use for withhold the peace and also invoke havoc towards the society. It can be use to topple an old power regime but also create a more worst new powerful regime that can adapt towards it. A person can be well known with the help of internet people but can also be condemn and insulted by the people that made him famous at the first place.
The creation of the internet has opened a Pandora box of uncertainties. There are many possibilities and outcome that can happen by using and exploiting this technology. If we're not careful, it might bite back at us. The case of Tasyrif Tajuddin is a strong reminder that we're not anonymous anymore in the internet. Many people can keep an eye over us easily and our tract can't be easily erase as record is kept not in the one main server but at many users that has open and access the information.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Kota Kinabalu Facebook Consumer Group
Fed up with price hike from the government, local business and company? Dishonest business or company that cheat the customer money? Overprice item in certain shops and stalls? Bad services or bad hygienic cleanness on some restaurants or coffee shop?
Join (Click the logo for the link)

The idea of this group is to get lots of facebook friends that live in kota kinabalu area to pressure the businesses that has a dishonest business ethic without regarding the well being of the consumers. For example, a coffee shop raise up their drinks over the recommendation price due to unknown reason but the quality of the drinks is still the same or worst. Kota Kinabalu Facebook Group member can post up a complaint in the wall and discussion board information of the shop that is to believe to over profits from the consumer without a good reason. This group will be acting as a public forum of its members to decide to boycott this specific by not going to that place to drinks or eat.
This will not be significant if only Kota Kinabalu Facebook Group failed to gain more people to act together as group. If this group can get more members to participate the cause, the shop or company will see the significant of this action and they will think twice before making any decision that can hurt their business overall.
This group is still at its infancy to make different. It hope to be that this facebook group can grow bigger in numbers and make difference on the way of the local shop and company in kota kinabalu doing business. The way to do is to be able to get more active facebook members that live, work and stay in kota kinabalu area. There are still more research, works and trial and error to be done before this idea works.
Kota Kinabalu Facebook Consumer Group is not own by anyone, nor me the creator of this group. The members are those who decide on action that with great consideration and will not influences by any political agenda by any means. The pure purpose of this group is only to pressure the business and shops that doing their business in dishonest way.
At the moment, this group is still on planning on how is this can be possible in near future. We cannot wait for the government or the opposition to help us and we need to take action by our self without waiting for the right people to come out and lead us. Please let anyone that you think can help about this group so we're on the right track on achieving the main purpose and idea of this group.
Join (Click the logo for the link)

The idea of this group is to get lots of facebook friends that live in kota kinabalu area to pressure the businesses that has a dishonest business ethic without regarding the well being of the consumers. For example, a coffee shop raise up their drinks over the recommendation price due to unknown reason but the quality of the drinks is still the same or worst. Kota Kinabalu Facebook Group member can post up a complaint in the wall and discussion board information of the shop that is to believe to over profits from the consumer without a good reason. This group will be acting as a public forum of its members to decide to boycott this specific by not going to that place to drinks or eat.
This will not be significant if only Kota Kinabalu Facebook Group failed to gain more people to act together as group. If this group can get more members to participate the cause, the shop or company will see the significant of this action and they will think twice before making any decision that can hurt their business overall.
This group is still at its infancy to make different. It hope to be that this facebook group can grow bigger in numbers and make difference on the way of the local shop and company in kota kinabalu doing business. The way to do is to be able to get more active facebook members that live, work and stay in kota kinabalu area. There are still more research, works and trial and error to be done before this idea works.
Kota Kinabalu Facebook Consumer Group is not own by anyone, nor me the creator of this group. The members are those who decide on action that with great consideration and will not influences by any political agenda by any means. The pure purpose of this group is only to pressure the business and shops that doing their business in dishonest way.
At the moment, this group is still on planning on how is this can be possible in near future. We cannot wait for the government or the opposition to help us and we need to take action by our self without waiting for the right people to come out and lead us. Please let anyone that you think can help about this group so we're on the right track on achieving the main purpose and idea of this group.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
We didn't start the fire
Billy Joel — We Didn't Start The Fire lyrics
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe
Rosenbergs, H Bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, The King And I, and The Catcher In The Rye
Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiov
Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc
Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dacron
Dien Bien Phu Falls, Rock Around the Clock
Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team
Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland
Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Khrushchev
Princess Grace, Peyton Place, Trouble in the Suez
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac
Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, Bridge On The River Kwai
Lebanon, Charles de Gaulle, California baseball
Starkweather, Homicide, Children of Thalidomide
Buddy Holly, Ben Hur, Space Monkey, Mafia
Hula Hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go
U2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy
Chubby Checker, Psycho, Belgians in the Congo
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Hemingway, Eichmann, Stranger in a Strange Land
Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion
Lawrence of Arabia, British Beatle mania
Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson
Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British Politician sex
J.F.K. blown away, what else do I have to say
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again
Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, punk rock
Begin, Reagan, Palestine, Terror on the airline
Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan
Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide
Foreign debts, homeless Vets, AIDS, Crack, Bernie Goetz
Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law
Rock and Roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
It will still burn on, and on, and on, and on...
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire...

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I discovered that some one is using my name to write a comment at another people's blog. I don't know what is the intention to do it but i believe it is not a good one.
Please be notice:
1. I never write comment into chat box. I only gave comment at post comment.
2. Please check out with me via my contact email before accusing me making a bad mark on your site. If i find my comment was not true, i will apologize publicly.
3. Police report will be made and investigation will be done to find the culprit. The owner site will be able to track the IP address of the culprits.
4. I will personally take court action against any person who ever trying to spread false impression about me or my business.
Please be notice:
1. I never write comment into chat box. I only gave comment at post comment.
2. Please check out with me via my contact email before accusing me making a bad mark on your site. If i find my comment was not true, i will apologize publicly.
3. Police report will be made and investigation will be done to find the culprit. The owner site will be able to track the IP address of the culprits.
4. I will personally take court action against any person who ever trying to spread false impression about me or my business.