Immediately, snap shot of this comment spread fast around the facebook network and it angered lots of people that then taken action to report it to the police. No one knew if he really involved with the attack on the churches but the police quick action on to interrogate him found that he just a brats that seeking for an attention. Nevertheless, he was charged under the Communications and Multimedia Act for improper use of the Internet, which carries a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine if found guilty.
Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin is the reminder for the entire internet user especially the facebook user that the law and regulation still can be enforced. The virtual and anonymous world of internet where we can get away almost everything is starting to be an illusion or myth. The internet world was created based on our real world and it is not possible that the real world rules and regulation can be possibly applied on this so called virtual and border less world.
Internet user should starts learning to be more responsible over the interaction they made in the social network such as facebook, myspace and friendster. Every interaction we made within the social network is logged and kept and can be used to be against our self in the future by anyone that control the system. There are numerous effort made by the government around the world to control this unlimited and boarder less world because of its potential to change the outcome of the future.
Internet is just like a double edge sword. It can be use for withhold the peace and also invoke havoc towards the society. It can be use to topple an old power regime but also create a more worst new powerful regime that can adapt towards it. A person can be well known with the help of internet people but can also be condemn and insulted by the people that made him famous at the first place.
The creation of the internet has opened a Pandora box of uncertainties. There are many possibilities and outcome that can happen by using and exploiting this technology. If we're not careful, it might bite back at us. The case of Tasyrif Tajuddin is a strong reminder that we're not anonymous anymore in the internet. Many people can keep an eye over us easily and our tract can't be easily erase as record is kept not in the one main server but at many users that has open and access the information.