It is a little sweet victory to learn that Mohamad Tasyrif Tajuddin was charged over his gas bomb post in the facebook. It all started when he made a irresponsible comment about churches that was vandalized by Molotov cocktail due to the ruling issue about the word 'allah'.
Immediately, snap shot of this comment spread fast around the facebook network and it angered lots of people that then taken action to report it to the police. No one knew if he really involved with the attack on the churches but the police quick action on to interrogate him found that he just a brats that seeking for an attention. Nevertheless, he was charged under the Communications and Multimedia Act for improper use of the Internet, which carries a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine if found guilty.
Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin is the reminder for the entire internet user especially the facebook user that the law and regulation still can be enforced. The virtual and anonymous world of internet where we can get away almost everything is starting to be an illusion or myth. The internet world was created based on our real world and it is not possible that the real world rules and regulation can be possibly applied on this so called virtual and border less world.
Internet user should starts learning to be more responsible over the interaction they made in the social network such as facebook, myspace and friendster. Every interaction we made within the social network is logged and kept and can be used to be against our self in the future by anyone that control the system. There are numerous effort made by the government around the world to control this unlimited and boarder less world because of its potential to change the outcome of the future.
Internet is just like a double edge sword. It can be use for withhold the peace and also invoke havoc towards the society. It can be use to topple an old power regime but also create a more worst new powerful regime that can adapt towards it. A person can be well known with the help of internet people but can also be condemn and insulted by the people that made him famous at the first place.
The creation of the internet has opened a Pandora box of uncertainties. There are many possibilities and outcome that can happen by using and exploiting this technology. If we're not careful, it might bite back at us. The case of Tasyrif Tajuddin is a strong reminder that we're not anonymous anymore in the internet. Many people can keep an eye over us easily and our tract can't be easily erase as record is kept not in the one main server but at many users that has open and access the information.
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I discovered that some one is using my name to write a comment at another people's blog. I don't know what is the intention to do it but i believe it is not a good one.
Please be notice:
1. I never write comment into chat box. I only gave comment at post comment.
2. Please check out with me via my contact email before accusing me making a bad mark on your site. If i find my comment was not true, i will apologize publicly.
3. Police report will be made and investigation will be done to find the culprit. The owner site will be able to track the IP address of the culprits.
4. I will personally take court action against any person who ever trying to spread false impression about me or my business.
Please be notice:
1. I never write comment into chat box. I only gave comment at post comment.
2. Please check out with me via my contact email before accusing me making a bad mark on your site. If i find my comment was not true, i will apologize publicly.
3. Police report will be made and investigation will be done to find the culprit. The owner site will be able to track the IP address of the culprits.
4. I will personally take court action against any person who ever trying to spread false impression about me or my business.
dunno what he thinking hahahha
we will never know.. :P
are you sure this is not a fake one? because I believe that he used the name Shahrul Maizam to post a status, not a comment ( and his status was this (I believe) "Ke nak aku baling bom petrol di sana plak?...harga boleh runding..."
Where did you get this? if you don't mind me asking.
wani, this is the original screen shot that was capture by the people who spread it. the second is the one that you read in the news. you can try and search for the second screen shot via google.
he did made a facebook apology and admit that he did made a mistake and his purpose was only for entertainment. most of people don't really buy that and police report was made.
he then changed his facebook acoount name to shahrul maizam not long after the second screen shot was discovered. there are lots of proof that he is the same person due to the facebook url link and the same friend list.
xpayah nak jadi hero ngaku bakar gereja...xder faedahnyer..xder org yg nk respect lu bro...xsebelahkn mana2 pihak tapi Islam xajar guna keganasan atau kekasaran..gunakan la otak dn cari pyelesaian tbaik dlam sesuatu isu bkannya dgn cara keganasan..skang trima la akibatnyer...LU PIKIRLA SENDIRI BEB..gua mampu senyum tgok lu skang kena camnih..hahahaha!
iya.. sepa yang malu? dia dan keluarga mereka... ish ish ish..
feel pity fOr him....masih ade banyak lagi 'insan' yg bOleh d selongkar dari kata2 yg melampau...memg sengaja nk kenakan budak ni...buat diri tash, jadikan sebagai pengajaran...ksian sgt...hnya mmpu dOa agr dia sekdr d beri peringatan...
~hal kecik yg d besarkan, hal besar x nampak~
intan, ini bukan hal kecil ni.. isunya besar.. cuma yang kawan ni, dia pikir ia cuma perkara kecil ketika isu ni masih panas dan hangat dengan menaip komen2 yang jahil dan tidak bertanggungjawab di sekitar facebook nya..
oleh itu, diharap dia akan sedar akan kesilapannya. dia bukan budak budak lagi dan sudah ada anak dan bini. jadi, kenapa permikirannya masih belum matang?
~tasyrif tajuddin belum berkahwin...belum ada anak dan bini...
ok, itu memang kesilapan dia, mempermainkan isu sensitif terutama ketika isu panas negara sedang hangat di perkatakan..
xpe, itu pengajaran buat dia...kalau nak di ikutkan, rakan2 dia d 'facebOok' , juga membangkitkan isu2 panas...tetapi, mereka tidak di kenakan tindakan...mungkin sudah nasib tasyrif tajuddin, kali ni dia yg kena,,...
~klO nk di ikutkan juga, bukn sahaja rakan2 nye, msih rmai 'insan2' laen yg mengadu dOmba, meperkotak katikkan isu2 panas seperti...cuma, tidak di ketengahkan..
~dh nasib dia, Allah mahu uji dia...dia menjadi 'the famous person' nOwadays...
dia belum kawin ka? saya ingat dia sudah kawin sebab ada gambar dia dengan anak kecil. walaubagaimanapun, dia boleh dikategori sebagai seorang yang dewasa.
pada takat pemahaman saya, tidak ada bukti-bukti yang kukuh yang menunjukkan kawan lainnya terlibat dalam aktiviti hiburannya. jadi, mereka terlepas daripada pendakwaan oleh pihak pendakwa. diharap ini akan menjadi pengajaran kepada mereka yang terlepas.
kejadian ini tidak hanya bertumpu kepada tasyrif atau isu yang hangat kini, tetapi ia juga merupakan satu peringatan kepada sesiapa sahaja tidak kira kaum atau agama bahawa mereka perlu bertanggunjawab ketika berkongsi pendapat di media internet.
ia bukanlah sekadar sembang kedai kopi atau sesi teh tarik dimana tidak ada rekod yang boleh disimpan dan dirujuk kepada seseorang itu seperti yang ada di media internet.
oleh itu, kita perlu bertanggungjawab dan peka terhadap apa yang ditulis dalam media internet tidak kira di blog ataupun di facebook. pengguna internet seharusnya mempunyai pengetahuan tentang akta atau undang-undang yang ada di negara kita supaya hak hak kita sebagai warganegara dan pengguna internet tidak melanggar peraturan dan undang-undang di negara ini.
itu saya sokong.,..kesilapan terbesar yang pernah di lakukannya....
~cuma tidak berpuas hati apabila terdapat sesetengah pihak yg melaga-lagakan lagi bila isu ini dibangkitkan..
~kerana pulut santan binasa, kerana mulut badan binasa...
(tash, bgi pihak rakan2, kami menyOkong kamu...jadikan ini sebagai pengajaran dan titik tolak untuk masa depan)..mungkin susah bagi kamu utk bangun semula, tapi percayalah, akan adanya ruang bagi kamu...jadikan ini sebagai pengajaran walaupun ianya ckup pahit bagi kamu utk di tempuhi)
~saudara jefferi, mungkin anda bukan sahabatnya, jadi anda melihat sudut ini dari luar dan secara amnya....pada takat pemahaman anda, tidak ada bukti kukuh bukan terhadap sahabat nya?...ada, cuma bukan di 'wall' yg panas itu...xpela, abaikan...mereka tidak tertangkap, tidak mengapa...ini bukan hari tasyrif...jadi, seperti kata kamu, mOga mereka jadikan ia sebagai pengajaran...
~pertimbang akan hal isu media 'internet', yup.,....kite perlu berjaga2 dalam berkata-kata..~langsung kesannya ke atas dri kita juga...
'kerana pulut santan binasa, kerana mulut badan binasa~...
msih ada yg ingin saya pertekankan, tapi cukup lah...tidak mahu mengaibkan mana-mana pihak...mOga mereka sedar akan setiap apa yang mereka lakukan..
ok this guy kena tahan
fair enough. but how about the facebook group masterminded by the keris party? read the comments and pictures posted in that group
its the "kami menentang penggunaan nama allah oleh bukan islam group"
you have death threats
picture of cross hair on the lawyer
racist comments
people asking for bloody jihad
and what not
you get idea
why no action on that group? what was written in that group is 1000 times more dangerous than this LONE FELLA from aswara.
selective prosecution because the facebook group is run by keris party members?
tasyrif memang bertuah kerana mempunyai rakan-rakan yang memahami dan berdiri di sisinya. namun, sebagai rakan yang baik, kita perlu menasihat rakan-rakan lain sekiranya dia sedang melakukan sesuatu yang memudaratkan. sokongan sebelum kejadian berlaku adalah lebih baik daripada selepas kejadian berlaku.
ya benar, aku bukan rakan tasyrif dan akum memang melihat dari sudut luar secara amnya dan berlandaskan bukti-bukti yang ada di media internet dan pengamatan akan kejadian tersebut. ini mungkin tidak adil bagi pihak tasyrif secara amnya. biarlah pihak mahkamah yang menentukan sama ada dia bersalah atau tidak.
suka atau tidak, isu hangat ini telah menjadi lagaan pelbagai pihak tidak kira di media utama atau di media internet. pelbagai pendapat dan pemikiran yang akan tampil di media utama dan media internet di mana setiap individu mempunyai hak menyuarakan pendapat tanpa resah akan risiko ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa. namum, dalam kebebasan ini, kita juga perlu bertanggungjawab dengan mengenali batasan yang kita tidak boleh lepasi demi keamanan dan kesejagatan negara ini. pelakuan tasyrif ini adalah salah satu contoh batasannya telah dilangkaui, oleh itu tindakan yang adil patut dikenakan.
obefiend, about the facebook that alleged created by certain people, it is their rights. people have the rights to express which side they stand in their life. no matter how those certain people gain the support, only the people have the final say to few certain issue by election.
previous election proven that we can make changes. due to the lack of outreach in the sabah and sarawak area, it was not enough.
as long the facebook group don't mongering lies and havoc within the people, i think it is okay. i believe that most people are not stupid, but sometimes they're just confuse and afraid because they don't know the truth. some people make their living telling truth and some telling lies. if the person don't have much truth in his heart, they will be easily influenced with people lies.
about those certain people that get away after making dangerous allegation and threat, they should be put in jail. the government should not protect those people as this will not be the best way to gain support for people. spreading lies and havoc through out the country is not the long lasting way to gain power as it was proven many time in history.
so, it up to the government to make a wise move or the people will decide to make changes and give chances to other people to lead the country.
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